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Jawaban Pertanyaan game School Days MDicky

Hay gaes.. kali ini Dewi mau share tentang Jawaban dari soal pertanyaan dalam game School Days.

Pelajaran English ( buku warna Kuning )

 1. What kind of words has same meaning as another ?
     = Synonym
 2. What does " Ambivalent " Mean ?
    = Uncertain
 3. What kind of word is made from parts of other words ?
   = Portmanteau
 4. What are the sections of poem called ?
   = Stanzas

Pelajaran Mathematics ( buku warna Biru )

 1. What is the middle in a list of numbers called ?
    = Median
 2. Which number can only be divided by it self or 1 ?
    = Prime number
 3. What is an 8-sided shape called ?
    = Octagon
 4. What is an 4-sided shape called ?
    = Square
 5. What is an 9-sided shape called ?
    = Nonagon
 6. What is the distance around a shape called ?
    = Perimeter
 7. What is an 3-sided shape called ?
    = Triangle
 8. How many pounds are in a kilogram
    = 2,2

Pelajaran History ( buku warna Merah )

 1. When did the " Stone age " end ?
    = 6000 BC
 2. Who was the 43rd president of the USA ?
    = George Bush
 3. Whe did the prophet Muhammad have his 1st revelation
    = 600 AD
 4. When was malcolm x Assassinated ?
    = 1965
 5. What does the letters " BC " stand for ?
    = Before christ
6. Which geological era are we currently living in ?
   = Cenozoic area

Pelajaran Geographic ( buku warna hijau )

 1. What kind of rock allows water pass thougt it?
    = Permeable
 2. What is the capital of sweden ?
    = Stockholm
 3.  What is the capital of Pakistan ?
    = Islamabad
 4.  What is the capital of Brazil ?
    = Brasilia
 5.  What kind of region has high temprature but little rain ?
    = Arid
 6.  What is the term for erosion caused by stone in a river ?
    = Abrasion
 7.  What is the capital of Kenya ?
    = Nairobi
 8.  What is the imaginary line that divides the earth called ?
    = Equator

Pelajaran Language ( buku warna hijau tosca )
 1. What does " Vajrayana " mean in buddhism ?
    = Diamond vehicle
 2.  What does arabic term " Nikah " refer to ?
    = Marriage
 3.  What does " ner tamid " refer to in hebrew ?
    = Lamp
 4.  What is the spanish word for " money " ?
    = Dinero
 5.  What is the spanish word for " please " ?
    = Por favor
 6.  What is the spanish word for 5 ?
    = Cinco
 7.  What does the arabic term Shari'ah refer to ?
    = Islamic low

Pelajaran Laboratoty ( buku warna ungu )
1. What is the term for speed in a spesific direction ?
   = Velocity 
 2. What kind of bond is formed by delocalized electrons ?
   = Metallic
 3. Which part of an atom has negative charge ?
    = Electron
 4. What is small vein known as ?
   = venule
 5. Which state of matter has particels tight together ?
   = Solid
 6. What is the Process whereby 1 call divides into 2 ?
   = Mitosis
 7 What kind of reproduction does not require  gemets ?
   = Asexual

OK gaes itulh beberapa pertanyaan beserta jawabannya, aku gak nulis semua yg ada di game supaya kalian juga bisa menikmati bagaiaman mencari jawaban di buku pelajaran. Semoga membantu :)

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